Helena McAllister

Portfolio: Photography Class 2020

My photography project theme “The Power Within Black Equestrians”

For my project, I decided to focus on the power within black equestrians. I’m an equestrian, and I know that horseback riding is not a diverse sport at all. I have been riding for about eleven years and have been the only black rider at shows, training, etc. It wasn’t until two ears ago that I found my forever barn home at a barn lead by a black trainer. I felt more comfortable and accepted within this barn and befriended many other riders of color. Within my project I will strive to capture the power within black equestrians. I want to focus on angles and pov through taking some photos with a slightly lower stance. Additionally, I want to take photos not only of black riders, but of black trainers and working students in order to capture the hard work we put into the sport. Furthermore, I want to capture some of the gradual struggle. For example, putting on a helmet over our naturally curly hair ( a lot of times the helmet won’t fit over black, natural hair but rather fine, straight hair). I want to capture the gradual struggle in order to see the progress of power throughout my project.

Margot Allen