College Counseling
In the Upper School, students and families turn to consider the next stage of education. Our comprehensive college counseling program ensures that not only will students gain the necessary requirements for college applications (test scores, essays, personal statements, etc.) but, more importantly, they will be guided to apply to an appropriate range of colleges, universities, and institutions. We want our students to be happy, fulfilled and successful in whatever they choose to do after school; we take seriously our responsibility to support them and their families in this important set of decisions.
Our approach to college counseling can be simply stated: knowing a student well is at the heart of good college counseling. It is a partnership between student, family, Advisor, and the College Counseling team.
Essential Practices
We start with the student’s own aspirations, understanding that students come to the college counseling process with different knowledge and ambitions.
The student, family, Advisor and College Counselor collaborate together during the process, using high-quality information, data, and feedback.
Students gradually take on more and more responsibility for the college application process as they progress through the Upper School.
We think first about the success, happiness, and education of the individual student. This is more important than institutional reputation.
Students are guided in their research towards colleges that offer a program of study that suits them, provide a style of instruction and level of rigor that matches their attitude and approach, offer a community that feels like home, and value students for what they do well.

By Grade Level
Grade 9
Exploring Possiblities
In Grade 9, we focus on Exploring Possibilities, opening students’ eyes to the huge range of institutions in the US, the UK, Europe, Australia, and across the globe. Our aim is for students to consider higher education institutions beyond the well-known and established.
Grade 10
Reflection & Research
In Grade 10, we focus on Reflection & Research, guiding students to research colleges and universities in more detail and consider what types of institutions are a best fit to enable their academic and social success. Our aim is for students to reflect on what they want from a college experience, research relevant options, and consider what they need to do to make a strong application.
Grade 11
Matching & Preparation
In Grade 11, we focus on Matching & Preparation. Using students’ continuing research and reflection, we work to develop a strategy for making the best possible application for best fit institutions. We also guide students to take relevant tests, prepare essay drafts and meet any other requirements.
Grade 12
Finishing Touches & Maintaining Momentum
In Grade 12, we focus on Finishing Touches & Maintaining Momentum. At the start of the year, we work on finalizing applications and submitting them in a timely fashion. We know too that the college application process doesn’t end after the submission deadline. There are updates to send, interviews to attend, and – at the very end – decisions to make. We ensure that students and families are fully informed at each stage.
The Whittle Transcript
The Whittle School & Studios transcript will provide a holistic illustration of student growth across the World of Self, Humanity, and Knowledge. With formative and summative feedback measures that infuse all of the elements of the learning program, this culmination of growth will illustrate a reflective journey through shared ownership with each student. The transcript will also highlight a robust collection of mastered competencies and insights into each student’s current level of mastery through a connected collection of evidence within each student’s portfolio. The Whittle School & Studios transcript will go beyond a traditional snapshot and align with the depth of experience mirrored within our holistic learning model.

Contact Us
If you are a college/university admissions officer, and would like to schedule a (virtual) visit, please click the button below.