Whittle School & Studios DC Campus

A Typical Day

Early Learning Center Schedule


8:00-8:45 A.M.

Mind & Body

In the Early Learning Center we believe in the importance of taking a moment to evaluate how our mind and body is doing each and every day. 

When the day begins outside, children engage in a variety of activities - climbing, building, tricycling, drawing or another interest of their choosing. When the day begins inside, they explore - perhaps a structure in the building area from the day before, return to a book in the library area to read again, or engage with new materials introduced based upon the current project. 

Mind and Body


8:45-9:30 A.M


A well-structured morning allows children to create their own pathways for success by activating the curiosity, creativity, and sense of comfort needed for the rest of the day. 

At the beginning of the school year, the focus of the day might be getting to know a new area of the classroom - such as the mini-atelier where there are a variety of tools for expressing themselves creatively - clay, paint, wire, found materials. And, perhaps touring a portion of the building - perhaps to meet the food service team and learn how they prepare the delicious lunches.  

9:30-10:45 A.M.

Project Time / Workshop time

Children spend time deeply exploring the world and are immersed in rich language learning either in English or Chinese. 

Let’s say the project of choice is related to construction and architecture. The areas of the room will be set up to inspire thinking on this topic. In the building block area there will be a wide variety of materials with which to build. In the classroom library, there will be relevant books. In the atelier there will be projections of different buildings from around the world on a wall with tracing paper, a light box with clay, and measuring tools. Children might work on a blueprint. All the while teachers will be carefully observing the choices students make and ask questions to lead to deeper thinking on a mathematical or literary concept. 

Workshop: This is a time for our kindergarten and first graders to focus, in small groups, on math or literacy skill-building in either Chinese or English.  For literacy, the primary resources we utilize include the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, Fountas and Pinnell, and Reading A to Z (for online support).  For math, the resources we utilize include Contexts for Learning Mathematics and DreamBox (for online support). 

There will also be snack available as a choice for children during this time. 

Language Immersion


10:45-11:30 A.M.

Outside Exploration

We believe that connection to the natural world, free play and collaboration time with peers, and experiences outside of the classroom, are integral to learning. We go outside every day. We help make sure that every child has the necessary boots and outside gear so that outdoor exploration is fun, warm, and safe no matter the conditions. 

The typical outdoor time includes a variety of options—group games in the Chinese language, free play, nature exploration, gardening and more. Some days we will take walks into the neighborhood into local parks and gardens. 

11:30-12:30 P.M.


Lunch is a great time of day for social emotional learning and enjoying conversation with friends in a family style atmosphere. Several days a week, we have immersive Chinese lunch. We invite older students, Chinese speaking parents and our Chinese language teachers to join us for family style lunch. English speaking parents are welcome as well— if they are willing to join in learning the Chinese language! At the end of lunch, we read a story in either English or Chinese as a way to transition before rest time. 



12:30-1:30 P.M.

Rest (Three- & Four-Year-Olds) or WorkshOp Time (Five- & Six-Year-Olds)

We provide approximately one-hour of rest for our three and four year-olds. This time is personalized to support the interests and meet the needs of individual children. 

This is time for the five and six year-olds to deepen their learning from the morning, work in small groups, assess progress and set goals, and explore personal projects. Personal projects enable children to further explore their passions, build confidence, and build independence. 

1:30-2:15 P.M.

Creative Arts & Design

Our specialized teachers, including music, movement, and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math combined), use this time to provide a variety of experiences based upon a rotating schedule. 



2:15-2:30 P.M. 


For about 15 minutes, we use this time to have final reflections on the day, sing a closing song, and look forward to the exploration we will continue the next day. 

2:30-6:00 P.M.

StudioCare PM

Studios and StudioCare (extended day) are available to provide a variety of options for children and their families outside the school day hours.

Studios include such offerings as dance, language, making, gardening, and sports. 

StudioCare provides a family-like environment in multi-age groupings with time for outdoor exploration, snack, and a variety of individual and small group activities.
